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Monday, January 19, 2009

The Slow Fade

For a very good while now the ladies at my church have been doing Beth Moore's Daniel study. We only have a once monthly session, so it takes a little longer to get through the book. Because of the holidays and everything, I had gotten a little bit behind, so I got the DVD's so that I could catch up.
And you know what, I think God wanted to save these lessons for this time in my life. In my previous post, I requested prayer for my sister saying that Satan was fighting her family. In short form, her husband has basically decided he doesn't want to be married anymore. He doesn't want to seek counselling. He just wants to walk away with no real explanation.
And I don't get it. I don't understand people at times. But I think God wanted me to have the lesson he taught me through this Beth Moore study right now. This lesson has shown me that we as Christians are holy vessels before the Lord. We are HOLY.
And Satan's favorite tactic is for us to treat the holy as unholy. If he can change our view of ourselves, then he can tempt us with things we never thought we would do.
I've been down that road myself. I always swore I'd never have sex before marriage. But Satan worked slowly. First, he tempted me with TV shows that at first I was offended by, but then I started thinking, "Hey, that joke was funny." Then I'm watching everday. Then ever so slowly he throws more and more things my way, and the next thing I knew I was telling my parents I was pregnant. And yes, I could have said no at anytime. God provided me a way to escape. But I didn't take it. I didn't view myself as a holy vessel before the Lord. And because I didn't, my life was used to toast an unholy cause.
Now I'm not saying all of this as a pity party or anything like that. I love my daughter, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I just know how the devil can slowly lead you away. You don't go from standing firm on a subject to ignoring your values overnight.
I guess I'm saying all of this to ask you guys to pray for my brother-in-law. He's slowly slipped away from the values he once held dear. I know more than anyone that God can forgive anything. He can bring anyone back. No one is beyond His reach. Please just pray that his eyes would be opened. And that their family could be restored.


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