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Monday, November 26, 2007

Just Checking In

Well blogging buddies, I'm back from a very restful Thanksgiving weekend. Honestly, I spent a lot of time with my mom just sitting around watching Christmas movies and napping. Of course we put up the Christmas decorations and did some cleaning, but all in all I did pretty much nothing all weekend. And it was great! Sometimes you just need a few days like that.
I went to the Dr. as I said last Tuesday for my sugar test. I haven't heard anything on it, so I'm assuming that my sugar isn't high or anything, which is good. She is measuring big right now though, so they're going to do an ultrasound to check her measurements. Now I know it's early, but the words "measuring big" strike just a bit of fear in my heart. After all, I weighed 9 lbs at birth. And the pictures of my mom after having me where every vessel in her eyes had burst kinda make me oh I don't know, terrified!
But God doesn't give us more than we can handle right? So maybe, just maybe Alaena will be a 6 lb little bundle of joy with a small head. But if not, I'm very sure that God will provide just the right anesthesiologist to give an epidural!
In all seriousness, I'm glad to say that everything looks healthy with my little girl. And I'll try not to get too worked up about the "measuring big" thing. I'll be back around to normal posting tomorrow! Just wanted to fill you guys in on what has been going on.
How did you guys enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend?


At 7:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, we are Taking Tomorrow, a Christian band.
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God Bless,
Taking Tomorrow

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

That rest and naps sound wonderful. Glad you were able to do that!

Don't worry about the measuring too big thing. That could be for several reasons. And you are right. God will never give more than you can handle with His strength.

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Diane Viere said...

Yes, Heather, giving birth causes a few veins to pop-out! However, and that's a HOWEVER, it is SO worth every burst of energy~! And there's more good daugher, who is an RN and has assited in many births....large and small...says that an epidural is standard these days! YAY! for the Epidural!

I have done the natural childbirth three times....and lived to sing its praises....but, BUT, I can't imagine a more natural thing to do than get an epidural!!!!!! :)

It's normal to feel a little anxious about the delivery....but can I remind you, lovingly, that there are many more things to pay attention to than the delivery! I know you are. Spending time with your mom is a good thing--family is so important. You are going to do just fine!

I bet you're having a blessed time during this Holiday Season...anticipating your NEXT Holiday Season with your little sweetie! Enjoy!


At 3:39 AM, Blogger Shalee said...

Hey, I've been wondering about you! It does sound as if you had the perfect break.

And don't worry about all this measuring big stuff. God's got it all under control and you're just along for the ride. He's got your back all the way.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great Thanksgiving!

Don't worry about measuring too big...God is in control and you both will do just fine :)


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