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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Results of Holiness

The last two days I've posted about how I'm striving to be holy. To be like Christ.
Last night I went by my grandma's house, and she showed me this article, and I know that God meant for me to see it. He wanted to encourage me. To show me that living for Him is totally worth it.

The article is about a tent revival that's been going on in Asheville, NC. A tent revival that started on July 31 and didn't end for six weeks. Then they had a huge baptizing service in the Cane River. Six weeks of revival. And the crowds never dwindled. THEY GREW. To crowds of sometimes 4,000.
Was there something amazing about the preacher? No. Was he performing miracles before their very eyes? No. I've heard him, and I know that all he does is preach the Word. And the Word alone.
But it wasn't about him. See, a man can't change a life or save a soul. It was about God, and about people who were willing to give of themselves to God in order to see a mighty work from God.
Sitting outside in a tent revival in August can get pretty hot (I've gone to them, I know) but these people were thirsty for God. They didn't care about the heat or the uncomfortable metal chairs. They cared only about hearing what God had for them.
They were hungering and thirsting after righteousness (Matthew 5:6). And I believe that they have been filled over the last six weeks. And I pray that it doesn't stop there. I pray that they will share what they have learned. I pray that they will keep that fire that has been sparked througout this revival.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that living a holy life can affect amazing things. I'm sure that there have been a faithful few praying for this revival to happen. I'm sure that it started with a small number of people who wanted to see God work.
I want to be one of those faithful few in my area. I want to see God work, first in my own life, then in the lives of others around me. The possibilities are endless if I will just learn to lean on Him.


At 8:59 AM, Blogger GiBee said...

It really is so worth it, Heather!!!

I so love your heart!

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

Amazing what hungry hearts and the word of God produce when put together. Six weeks of revival. Amazing!


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