Are They Trials or Testimonies?
I'm not sure if I have mentioned my brother's best friend Bobby on here before. He and my brother have been buddies all of their lives. They got into trouble together as youngsters, made some dumb decisions together as teens, and they were both called to preach as young adults. Currently they are in the same Bible College.
This past weekend Ben and Bobby came home to discuss the possibility of having a youth revival at my church with young preachers from the college. This has been okayed, and I'm very excited about it. Prayers for the revival starting now would be very much appreciated.
Anyway, back to Bobby, he preached yesterday morning at my church, and let me tell you what, for a 21 year old "kid" he STOMPED ALL OVER MY TOES. It was an AWESOME message.
And you know what, he gave me some perspective on some things. If any of you have been reading my last several posts, you know that things have been a bit crazy around here lately and that the whole situation with Alaena's dad has been a bit up in the air.
And I'm not going to lie. I've really been stressing it. Because I just don't understand it all, and I want an answer. A clear answer as to how to handle the situation, and right now I don't have that. And I've seen this time of not knowing as a trial that I would just rather get past.
But Bobby's message pointed out yesterday. Trials are times that make us grow. Trials are times that give us the testimonies that we use to give hope to others who walk down the same paths we are on after us.
And I can't say that I understand what's going on around me any better than I did before. But I can say that I'm trusting in the Lord to use it to make me stronger. I'm relying on Him to make this trial a testimony. Because no matter what, I can look back over every part of this situation, and I know that the Lord has been by my side. And He will always be there.
I don't know what you're going through today, but trust me, the Lord is there, and He is using this trial to make you stronger. He is giving you a testimony to help other brothers and sisters along their way! Just trust Him.