Getting Closer to the Top
Well guys, I haven't quite reached the top of the mountain yet, but I am getting closer. I have a lot more things under control here at work now, and I don't feel quite so frantic. So by Monday, God willing, I will be able to do a normal post. Today, I just wanted to share a little verse of encouragement from Luke 21:28,
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
Jesus knew that before He returned things would get crazy. He knew about the stress men would face. He knew about the fears that would seize us. But He didn't just leave us to face these things alone. He gave us hope. Hope in the fact that He will return for us. Hope that when all seems lost, we have been redeemed by Him. Rest in that hope today!