He's Right There
I found a verse yesterday that I love. The verse is Jeremiah 23:23, " Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off?"
The book of Jeremiah consists of God telling Jeremiah what he is going to do to the people of Israel and the people of Judah for their disobedience. In this verse He was reminding Jeremiah that He saw exactly what was going on. He wasn't a God who was millions of miles away. Even when Israel was at their worst, God was right there, and He saw everything that went on.
Many times in my Christian life, I've been quick to judge the children of Israel. I'll wonder how they could possibly turn from God. I mean He was right there with them.
But I do the same thing at times. I'll do things that I know aren't pleasing to God, and He's right here with me as well.
The psalmist tells us in Psalm 139 that there is no place that we can go to escape from God's presence. He is everywhere.
The question is, if we view that as a good thing or a bad thing?
I see it as good. Knowing that God is there comforts me and reminds me to live the life that pleases Him. However, some people see it as a bad thing. They want to live their own life, do their own thing. When God is there, they can't escape a guilty conscience.
Which side are you on today? Are you running into God's arms, or are you trying to find a place to hide?